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Cold Weather Reminders: Home Maintenance

Posted by Blog Admin on Monday, December 16th, 2019 at 1:07pm.

Today is bright and sunny in metro Atlanta, but cold weather is just around the corner. More than a few of us at Peggy Slappey Properties are hoping for a snowy Christmas! While that might not be too realistic, it is smart to think ahead and prepare your home for below-zero temps before they sneak up on you and cause real damage. Here are a few quick reminders to help avoid frozen and burst pipes and all the mess that goes with them:

  1. Disconnect garden hoses.  Drain the hoses appropriately before storing for the winter.
  2. Turn off water to outside faucets by using the valve inside your home.  Drain the remaining water by allowing it to run until dry. Use insulating faucet covers for further protection.
  3. Turn off your sprinkler system and blow compressed air through the lines to drain them.
  4. Close and cover basement windows and foundation vents.
  5. Keep garage doors closed. 
  6. When temperatures are sure to fall below freezing, set faucets in kitchens and baths to a slow trickle overnight.  This will keep the lines flowing since they get less use while you’re sleeping. Letting the water drip may not be enough to avoid frozen pipes.
  7. Open cabinet doors under sinks to allow warm air to circulate, especially if sinks are located on outer walls.
  8. Locate the main water cut-off and be ready to turn it off if a pipe does freeze. You may be able to avoid a big mess if you catch it early enough.

A tiny bit of preparation goes a long way when temperatures drop below freezing, especially in metro Atlanta, where snow and ice can bring life to a standstill. In the meantime, enjoy the sunshine and take these little steps to avoid big mess and expense when winter decides to move in for real.

Peggy Slappey Properties, Inc. is a Metro Atlanta real estate brokerage with over 35 years of experience in real estate sales and marketing.  From new home construction to resales, we can help you find the home of your dreams.  To see our current listings, visit and call us for expert advice at 770-271-5555.  Keep up to date with the latest PSP events and offers by checking in on Facebook at and on Twitter at

Photo by Dan Hamill via 

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