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Tagged : renting

Found 2 blog entries tagged as "renting".

Are you currently renting and trying to decide if homeownership is right for you? The decision to rent a home or buy one can be especially hard in today’s housing market. After all, home prices have skyrocketed over the past two years and so have rental costs. Could your money be better used in the investment of a home? Consider these five important factors as you deliberate:

Rents Continue to Rise Quickly

Most renters are notified as their lease draws to an end that rent will go up if they choose to renew. It’s common practice, especially for those with a one-year lease. Payments will continue to climb year after year. Homeowners with a traditional, 30-year fixed rate mortgage can rest assured that their housing costs will remain steady, while

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Sometimes it’s hard to know when to stop renting and become a homeowner. Taking out a mortgage seems like such a big responsibility. The truth is, you’re paying someone’s mortgage either way. You can decide to pay monthly toward your own future, or you can send that payment to your landlord and invest in his.

At Peggy Slappey Properties, we have clients who rent for all kinds of reasons: bad credit, the need for flexibility, job or income uncertainty, even the desire to avoid maintenance and repair costs. We know there are appropriate times and circumstances for renting, but we also know how beneficial home ownership is.

Most buyers will qualify for a traditional, 30-year fixed rate mortgage. Over the course of 30 years, that payment will stay

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