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Tagged : selling with kids in the house

Found 1 blog entry tagged as "selling with kids in the house".

Are you thinking of selling your home but worry that your kids could ruin the process before it even starts?  It’s summer, so the kids are home more often, and they like to leave their mark. Cheerios under the couch, giant toy boxes in the living room, and messy kids’ bedrooms can indeed be turn-offs to buyers, so here are a few tips to help parents sell quickly without all the stress:

Invite Kids to Help De-Clutter

Cleaning up and packing the clutter is the first step in any plan to sell a home, but with kids involved, it gets a little tricky.  A great way to avoid the tantrums caused by packing their favorite stuffed friends is to let them choose what stays and what gets packed and put into storage.  Explain that their things are not

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